Update: ChiCom Food Not so Hot – part 2

Will China’s poisoned pet food lead next to human food chain?

Pet food is bad enough…this is getting even worse. No progress is being made in figuring out exactly what’s going on. How Come? Read on:

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has hit a dead end in its
ongoing investigation into the pet food scandal: “U.S. senator Dick
Durbin (D-IL) and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) today met with U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner, Andrew von
EschenbachÉ” “In the meeting, Durbin and DeLauro learned that the Chinese
government has blocked requests from the FDA to send personnel to China
to inspect the facilities
suspected of producing the contaminated
products.” (Emphasis added.)

Just in case someone in D.C. is REALLY interested in figuring things out with this, the article provides some helpful pointers:

Sherlock Holmes’ hint for FDA: ChemNutra Chinese headquarters, Zuhou
Anying Biologic Technology Development Co. Ltd. and Binzhou Futian
Biology Technology Co. Ltd. are all within the same 300 to 400-mile
region of each other, right there on the East coast of China.

Detective tip two: ChemNutra President Sally Qing Miller is now plain
Sally Miller and according to information retrieved by Canada Free
Press (CFP) from www.thewaybackmachine dropped the Qing after February 2005.

The Chief has a feeling that this story is starting to get a long set of legs…and will…er, SHOULD get more attention form the MSM when the hoo-rah about the gunners dies down a bit. After all:

Earth to mainstream media: The story has deadly potential for bigger game than Fido and Fluffy. We all have to eat.

Yes, there IS that little detail!

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