Glowbull Warming Alert!

Climate change could bring new U.S. Dust Bowl

Yep, it sure COULD…but then again…if pigs had wings they COULD fly!

The wisdom, or lack thereof to build huge agricultural projects and population centers in the middle of desert areas always seemed to be counter-intuitive. Just ask the Anasazi, who developed towns in the Southwest only to lose them when things dried up around the time of the medieval warming…ooops…whose SUV’s caused THAT one?

Another interesting item in this same piece is this:

Deep waters in the North Atlantic some 125,000 years ago were warmer than they are now and may have helped melt the Antarctic ice sheets, according to researchers led by Jean-Claude Duplessy of the Laboratory of Climate and the Environment of Institute Pierre Simon Laplace outside Paris.

Dang! Sort of seems like some other process than human industrialization must have been at work to melt all that ice back then. Hmmmm. Could it be just possible that the same processes are still in play? Just maybe?