Women at Love Field ‘acting suspiciously’
Is this enough to get YOUR attention?
Dallas police and federal terrorism officials are investigating two women, both dressed in camouflage pants under their traditional Muslim robes and scarves, who were seen conducting what appeared to be surveillance and acting suspiciously at Dallas Love Field.
It sure would make ME wonder what was up!
One of the women, Kimberly “Asma” Al-Homsi, 42, of Arlington, who is on probation for a 2005 Garland road rage incident involving a fake grenade, is said to have long-range assault rifle and explosives training, according to a Dallas police intelligence bulletin issued March 5. “I’m a trained sniper and proud of it,” Ms. Al-Homsi said in an interview Thursday after first refusing to comment on whether she has any terrorism ties. She then said no.
Not to worry?
Police officials said they have no direct evidence the women have ties to terrorism.
Well…not so fast:
Law enforcement sources acknowledge that activities of both women have garnered substantial attention. “We are aware of the activities that occurred at Love Field in February and are giving it appropriate consideration,” said Lori Bailey, spokeswoman for the Dallas FBI.
Just a question here: where is it chiseled in stone that someone has to have “ties” to terrorism to plan and/or commit a terrorist act?
In the final analysis, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and has feathers…draw your own conclusions.