Thoughts on Rosie O, etc.

The Chief received this from an e-mail correspondent – he, and I thought it worth passing along:

Why are so many people enamored and hypnotized by the statements made by celebrities? And why do these same folks ignore or fail to seek the wisdom of people who do know what they are talking about?

They are the same kind of people who demand that their…pick one….daycare, restaurant, mechanic, physician, etc be licensed but will accept without question the statements and opinions of Jessica Lange, Rosie O’Donnell, Brad Pitt or George Clooney.

Sure, these people have a right to their opinion but do they really know what they are talking about? I might also ask this; do the four aforementioned celebrities share enough college credits between them to get an associate’s degree from your local community college? I’m just asking for I don’t know.

Let me guess. The folks who listen to celebs know the details of Brittany Spears divorce or the sad facts concerning Anna Nicole Smith’s demise but they can’t find Iraq or, perhaps, their own state on a map. Remaining ignorant is a choice.

Tom Pierett

The Chief concurs.

Sort of reminds me of a comment made by management guru W. Edward Deming: “Learning is not mandatory. But then again, neither is survival.”