Hostage Stand-down Promised

Iran to release Brits

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would free the 15 detained British sailors and marines Wednesday as an Easter holiday “gift” to the British people. He said the captives, who were seized while on patrol in the northern Persian Gulf on March 23, would be taken to the airport at the end of the news conference that he was addressing. An Iranian official in London said they would be handed over to British diplomats in Tehran.

Frankly the Chief thought that Ahmadinejad Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad would milk this for more than he did…especially with the nuclear issue still simmering on the stove, but apparently not.

This is a good thing, if it comes to pass…it will be interesting to hear what the Brit sailors and marines will have to say once they are out of the clutches of the Ayatollahs.


This commentary on the situation hits the spot.

OK, we are told not “to look a gift horse in the mouth”: someone gives you a present, you don’t start investigating the state of its dentition to estimate is worth. So I suppose we should be simply rejoice that Iranisn President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has decided to release the 15 Britich sailors and marines his coast guard took hostage last week. How nice of him. But a doubt lingers: was he right to describe his munificence as a “gift to the British people.”

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