Here comes the new boss…just like the old boss…don’t get fooled again!
This posting isn’t based on any one thing…but is inspired by several recent events concerning our own Donk Cong. Herseth, which tend to indicate that her dog may be more redish than blue any more.
Noted (with ref links) at SDWC is the Donk Cong’s support for the union check card system – removing the worker’s right to a private vote on matters of union affiliation. (The Soviets would have been right at home with this one!) We don’t need no pesky secret ballots!
Next, Herseth voted in support of the Donk iteration of a cut and run from Iraq bill:
Divided U.S. House approves Iraq withdrawal plan
Democrats today successfully pushed through the U.S. House a hard-line war spending bill that would pay for the current wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan but require combat troops to leave war-torn Iraq by August 2008, if not sooner, a direct challenge to President Bush’s Iraq policy.
So, where’s our own Donk Cong?
On a mostly party-line 218-212 vote, Rep. Stephanie Herseth, D-S.D., and a majority of her House colleagues passed a $124 billion spending bill that carries a list of benchmarks that Iraqis would have to meet, including bolstering their own security forces.
If unmet, the bill would require U.S. combat troops to be pulled out of Iraq by December 2007. If the Iraqi government is able to step up control of its the country, the bill requires forces to withdraw from Iraq by March 1, 2008, finishing by the end of August 2008.
This is really a weasel act. In case no one noticed, (and the Donks apparently haven’t) our policy already IS to train the Iraqi’s and move towards an eventual withdrawal. The problem with setting any type of date certain is that the enemy just has to pull in their horns and wait out the deadline, before coming back out to pick up the pieces.
In other words, this is a GUARANTEED formula for defeat…not exactly what a so-called Blue Dog Donk would support.
So much for supporting the work and sacrifice of those from South Dakota and elsewhere who are out on the sharp end in the War on Islamofascism.
The previous noted attempt of the Donk Congs to get the vote for DC is another opportunity for Herseth to show her colors…and the Chief has no doubt she will do so…but that they will show affinity with the national Donk agenda, rather than being representative of South Dakota values and interests.
We need to remember in November!