ChiComs To Check for Nukes in US Ports??!!!!!

U.S. Hires Foreign Firm to Help Detect Nuclear Materials at Bahamas Port

What’s wrong with this picture?

In the aftermath of the Dubai ports dispute, the Bush administration is hiring a Hong Kong conglomerate to help detect nuclear materials inside cargo passing through the Bahamas to the United States and elsewhere.

The administration acknowledges the no-bid contract with Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. represents the first time a foreign company will be involved in running a sophisticated U.S. radiation detector at an overseas port without American customs agents present.

The folks in the White House have got to be losing their political marbles! What’s wrong with this indeed:
– Hutchinson Whampoa is a ChiCom outfit for crying out loud! Could anyone imagine turning over this sort of security to the USSR during the cold war???? The Chief fails to fall for the argument that the ChiComs are significantly any better than the Soviets were. The ChiComs have certainly killed off as many or more of their own people as the Soviets did in their bad old days of Uncle Joe Stalin et al.
– ChiCOm military leaders have repeatedly sabre-rattled by threatening nuclear consequences to the US over policy disagrements. (Remember, these guys’ employees to protect us against nuke infiltration!? Yeah, right!)
– Finally, yet another no-bid contract. They might as well just paint a bull’s eye on the White House, or tape a “kick me” sign on the President’s back. You just know where this will go before it’s done.

Unfortunately for the President it’ll mostly be justified, even if the motivations of the Donk critics will be based on their typical weaselly political motivations rather than any concern about the ChiComs.

Oh well – that’s what Donks do.