Spain Learns Result of Appeasing Islamoterrs: New Attacks Planned!

Spain fears Islamists reclaiming “al-Andalus”

Hmmm. Spain threw out a government in response to Islamofascist attacks in Madrid. The new gov’t then cut and run on its support for the war in Iraq – don’t you know – to help reconcile with the Dar al Islam. Did things improve: the Chief reports (well, repeats a report anyway) – you decide:

While the international spotlight is on 29 suspects on trial for the 2004 Madrid train bombings, Spanish police are working behind the scenes to counter a growing threat of new attacks. Radicals inspired by al-Qaeda have stepped up propaganda and recruitment activities in Spain, a country they claim as a part of the Islamic world because of its Muslim past, according to police experts.

After recounting more detail about the current legal and tactical situations, this piece shows how the Spanish assumption of the position to please Islamists has softened their approach – not:

Islamist websites have also long called for a reconquest of al-Andalus, a Moorish name for Spain, parts of which were ruled by
Muslims for nearly eight centuries until 1492.

So much for appeasement.