Reid Threatens Filibuster on Immigration
Once again the head senate Dork Donk (same difference!) has demonstrated his talent for placing political gamesmanship ahead of getting something done anout one of the biggest problems we have.
As the Senate prepares to tackle the most sweeping immigration reforms in years, a top Democrat vowed Wednesday to do everything in his power, including filibuster, to thwart Majority Leader Bill Frist’s proposed overhaul.
Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he would “use every procedural means at my disposal” to prevent Frist from bypassing the Judiciary Committee. Frist, R-Tenn., has made clear the Senate will take up his proposal next week if the 18-member committee fails to complete a broader bill.
One can just imagine what that committee is cooking up – what with Kennedyu, and Leahy “at work” on it. Eeeeeuuuuu! Nasty!