Rotten US Prosecution, Prosecutor in Border Case

Official: Mexican Drug Runner Shot by Border Agents Smuggled More Drugs Into U.S.

This is just WRONG!

The Mexican drug runner whose testimony sent two Border Patrol agents to prison for shooting him in the buttocks brought drugs into the United States more than once, thereby diminishing his credibility as a witness in the investigation, according to a California congressman.

That is bad enough, but unfortunately it gets even worse:

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., presented new evidence in a Capitol Hill press conference Wednesday that revealed what he says was U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton’s deliberate attempt to mislead the public about Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila’s involvement in the transport of a second load of drugs in October 2005.

Sounds like Sutton is another version of (NC Drake “Rape”) Prosecutor Nifong, with a concern for racking up convictions with no regard for either truth or justice. These guys need to do hard time themselves. What a travesty!