Cyberspace as a Combat Zone: The Phenomenon of Electronic Jihad
Alongside military jihad, which has been gaining momentum and extracting an ever growing price from many countries around the globe, Islamists have been developing a new form of warfare, termed “electronic jihad,” which is waged on the Internet. This new form of jihad was launched in recent years and is still in its early stages of development. However, as this paper will show, Islamists are fully aware of its destructive potential, and persistently strive to realize this potential.
MEMRI does a great job of raking the muck generated by the Islamofascists, and has put together a piece on the efforts of the crescent moon-god worshipers to go after cyberspace. Fortunately, they haven’t quite hit prime time with these efforts, but the situation bears watching.
This is a pretty good intro level piece…check it out.