Attempts at Chemical Attacks in Iraq

Iraqi Militants Use Chlorine in 3 Bombings

A truck bomb that combined explosives with chlorine gas blew up in southern Baghdad on Wednesday, and officials said it may represent a new and deadly tactic by insurgents against Iraqi civilians.

Hello? “…officials said it MAY represent a new and deadly tactic…”? DUH! If it’s already being done, which it is, then it DOES represent a new and deadly tactic. Call a spade a spade, guys!

The attacks seem to have been poorly executed, burning the chemical agent rather than dispersing it, but more sophisticated weapons involving chlorine could injure hundreds and cause mass panic.

If they keep going, they WILL get the bugs out.,.then one has to wonder hou long before they bring it over here. How truly wonderful! Meanwhile, the Washington establishment continues to fiddle while the unprotected borders continue to burn.

We’ve got a problem here.