Police identify gunman as 18-year-old Bosnian
By now you have no doubt heard about the Salt Lake City mall shooting. The politically correct media is telling part of the story, but is falling under the constraints of political correctness.
Police Tuesday identified the gunman accused in Monday night’s Trolley Square shooting as Sulejman Talovic, an 18-year-old Bosnian refugee who lived in Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank said Talovic drove his car to the mall, parked in the west parking terrace and encountered two people who he shot before entering the mall. There, he encountered a female who also was shot right away, then went into a gift shop where there were five people, all of whom the young man shot. Moving through the mall, the gunman tried to shoot others, Burbank said. The chief said he could not say now how many shots were involved in the entire episode.
Burbank praised an unnamed Ogden police officer who took action at the mall to intervene in the incident, and praised the many law enforcement and other agencies that responded quickly and professionally to the crisis. Until Salt Lake police arrived, it was “basically a shoot-out between the Ogden individual and this individual,” Burbank said.
“As you can see, this individual was well-prepared,” Burbank said, apparently referring to the young man’s backpack filled with ammunition “He had one purpose.” Six individuals died and four others were hospitalized.
SO what’s missing. Oh. Yeah…the perp was a Bosnian MOSLEM. Of course no one is willing to use the T-word: terrorism.
Hey! The Chief subscribes to the philosophy that if something walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then hey, it must be a duck! In this case, as far as the Chief can tell there is no requirement for terrorist acts to be the result of a grand conspiratorial movement. It’s all in the effect, and actions.
The MSM and apparently most government officials are afraid to call an ugly spade an ugly spade. Until we are at least willing to openly identify the enemy, what chance is there that we will meet with success in the “long war” against militant Islamofascism. This next item illustrates and confirms the problem we have with this:
Chertoff’s ‘Islam PC’ rankles fed officials
Citing recent internal memos, Department of Homeland Security employees complain their boss Michael Chertoff is hamstringing counter-terror operations with pro-Islamic political correctness. They say headquarters has cautioned officials not to describe Islamic terrorism as Islamic and to respect Islam as a “religion of peace.”
’nuff said. F.E.T.E.