This classic phrase is the kernel of the Constitutional definition for treason…in one of these reports, that definition is fully applicable in the Chief’s humble opinion. (During the Civil War, this sort of thing was done by the northern sympathizers of the Confederacy who were known as “Copperheads” – named for the common (poisonous) snake.
War resolution seen hurting morale
Senate Republicans yesterday contradicted top Pentagon officials who say Congress would not injure troop morale by passing a nonbinding resolution critical of President Bush’s Iraq war plan. Sen. Lindsey Graham said he was outraged that Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Peter Pace and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates would say U.S. combat forces “understand” politics back home and won’t be disheartened by a symbolic no-confidence vote against the commander in chief.
“It shows a lack of sophistication about how this would play in newspaper headlines throughout the world,” said Mr. Graham, South Carolina Republican. “The war on terror is about headlines,” he told The Washington Times. “The last thing we need to do is give [terrorists] a headline by our political action that would embolden them, and by contrast would be hurtful to our men and women in the theater trying to execute the new strategy.”
You know it’s bad for Graham to get exercised like that…as often as not he’s been playing the RINO game on a lot of issues lately.
This other case is from similar noises being generated by the indigestion of Euro leaders fulminating against the US efforts:
Anti-Americanism in Europe ‘helps al-Qa’eda’
DUH! Like this takes a rocket scientist to figure out – oh wait – we ARE dealing with the Euros here…never mind…all bets are off, but the Aussie Foreign Minister tries anyway to talk some sense to them.
Anti-American feeling in Europe is playing into the hands of al-Qa’eda and unwittingly encouraging terrorism, Australia’s foreign minister said today.
Mr Downer gave warning that criticism of America’s conduct in Iraq could – inadvertently – provide an incentive for terrorist attacks. “People in the West, and not only in Europe, blame America for a suicide bomber in a market in Baghdad,” he said.
Nice Try Mr. Downer…but the Chief fears the effort to be Quixotic at best.