Editor of Iranian Kayhan Daily Reacts to U.N. Resolution
It’s not often that the Chief shares a sentiment with Ahmadinejad Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad’s Iran on anything…but this sentiment, if not all their reasoning, is one that the Chief can heartly endorse as it refers to “preparing the U.N.’s corpse for burial in the graveyard of history”.
As for the rest of the Iranian article…it reeks of arrant nonsense:
“The Holocaust, or the slaughter of Jews during of WWII by German Nazis, is a myth and a contrived story….”The myth of the Holocaust is an excuse [used by] West to establish the illegal Zionist regime, and denial of it is an irrefutable attestation – in addition to many other attestations – that clearly testify to the illegality of the existence of the Zionist regime.
That’s more typical of what usually comes out of the current iteration of Iran. The UN comment sort of brings to mind the bit about even a broken (analog) clock being right at least twice a day.