What a joke the Sutton fiasco turned out to be – “censure”. Yeah, right.
Could you guess how long he would have lasted if he had been say…a H.S. coach who had done this with one of his players, all other circumstances being equal? About 15 minutes, or until the next school board meeting, whichever came first!
As an educator, the Chief KNOWS that this would have (properly) had an immediate and permanent response in an educational setting…whether or not there was a criminal prosecution that resulted from the circumstances.
The amoral pusillanimity up at Pierre is enough to leave you breathless…and if this is in South Dakota, one shudders to consider what it must be like in say…New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, etc.
P.S. Interesting commentary on Sutton situation by Rush Limbaugh yeaterday, noting no mention in the Argus-Loser of Sutton’s party affiliation as a “Democrat” until one read far into the depths of the article.
DISCLOSURE NOTICE: Although Sen. Sutton is from the Chief’s county, he is not the senator representing the Chief – as Moody county is split between the 4th and 8th legislative districts. Sutton is in the 8th, whereas the Chief is in the 4th District, represented by Sen. Peterson (who is not too bad a legislator for being a Donk).