All the News That Fits, we Print

Astray in Greenland

Shocking, simply shocking! Once again the widely proclaimed paragon of journalistic excellence known as the NY Times Slimes has been caught “massaging” the message to meet its (in this case envirowacko) agenda.

In very large type, the New York Times Jan. 16 proclaimed “The warming of Greenland.” But as has become increasingly typical of their reporting on climate change, that’s only about half the news that’s fit to print.

After detailing a multiplicity of half-truths and incorrect data used by the Times, this piece concludes:

…the fact the recent Greenland story ignored the historical record and the refereed scientific literature is nothing new. On reporting about polar climate, the Gray Lady has a consistent record of hiding parts of the truth that are inconvenient to whatever story it is trying to sell.

And the MSM continues to look down its nose at the lack of informational quality in the blogosphere. Go figure.