We must not fail in Iraq’
On a more positive note, the Prez, as CinC, has proclaimed a new policy for Iraq, and reconfirmed it in the State of the Union. OK.
President Bush pleaded with Congress last night to give his new strategy for victory in the struggle in Iraq a chance because “America must not fail in Iraq.” Defeat in Iraq, he said, would be “grievous and far-reaching” because the fighting in Iraq is part of a broader struggle against Islamic extremists across the Middle East and stretching to the farther reaches of the globe
True, too true! IF we are dragged from the jaws of victory by the anti-war claque in Congress, it will be a costly disaster of biblical proportions.
The troop “surge” is really more of a fluctuational spurt…but…if their REALLY is a change in the rules of engagement, especially as regards the so-called Mahdi Army of rad Shiite cleric al Sadr, and the counterpart Sunni militia forces…this really CAN turn things around.
Time will tell if this turn away from the oxymoronic concept of politically correct warfare is real, or another case of symbolism over substance. The battlefield will decide – and when it does, there is no further appeal to rhetoric political bullshit.