President renews push for bill on immigration
President Bush last night said his administration has made huge strides clamping down on illegal border crossings, and called on Congress to finish the job this year by passing a guest-worker bill and extending citizenship rights to illegal aliens.
You can believe as much of that as you want to. Frankly, the Chief isn’t buying into it.
In a State of the Union address designed to highlight areas where he could work with the new majority Democrats, Mr. Bush put immigration front and center, along with education, health care and energy policy — all domestic issues where he thinks he can find common ground.
On this the Prez seems to be dedicated to let that hidden Donk inside of him out of the closet once again – to the detriment of the nation’s sovereignty.
Border security? What a joke. We need to take a page from the Soviet Russian Neo-soviet policy which is somehow able to “disinvite THEIR illegals” snd send them home.