Heil Harvard!

Kalb Upbraids Harvard Dean Over Israel

This is ugly, and worthy of something from Teheran and/or the German 3rd Reich.

The furor over a paper co-authored by the academic dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government about what is described as the far-reaching influence of an “Israel lobby” intensified yesterday, as it drew sharp criticism from a prominent Kennedy School scholar, President Clinton’s special coordinator for the Middle East negotiations, and figures identified in the paper as members of the “lobby.”

The paper, “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” was written by the Kennedy School’s Stephen Walt and a political science professor and the co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer, and published by the Kennedy School.

In the 83-page “working paper,” the professors allege that a vast network of journalists, think tanks, lobbyists, and largely Jewish officials have seized the foreign policy debate and manipulated America to invade Iraq. Components of the purported network include nine major publications, including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal; “Christian evangelicals” including Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson; top-ranking officials in the Bush administration, and scholars at nine think tanks, including the Brookings Institution.

The merits of this argument can be seen by those who have expressed agreement with it:

The paper has won praise from anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke, is being distributed by the Palestine Liberation Organization’s mission to Washington, and has been lauded by a senior member of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist organization.

The old fascism and the latter-day Islamofascism once again show their attitudinal affinity! Surprise, surprise, surprise!

One would expect better than this from Harvard, but then again, it DOES seem to hearken back to the bad old days of unspoken (and spoken) anti-Jewish quotas.