Global warming ‘just a natural cycle’
The timing of this one is just about amazing, after just a little bit ago commenting on a proposed scientific inquisition on global warming. This just gives further confirmation that would-be Climate Inquisitor Cullen is skating on very thin ice indeed – but NOT due to human-induced warming.
If the genuine warming now being seen is caused by human emissions of carbon dioxide, it would have started earlier, according to the book by two veteran American climate sceptics, Fred Singer and Dennis Avery.
Mr Avery, who was in London yesterday, said: “If this were a CO2 driven warming it should have started in 1940 and risen strongly from there. In fact warming started in 1850 and rose sharply until 1940 then decreased for 35 years.”
How can this be happening if WE aren’t doing it? Well…
Mr Avery…suggests that the natural cycle of warming and cooling may come from variations in cosmic rays which have been linked to cloud formation.
This theory was validated in a recent paper in a Royal Society journal by scientists from the Danish National Space Centre who showed that sub-atomic particles – cosmic rays from exploding stars – play a major role in making clouds. During the past century cosmic rays became scarcer as vigorous activity by the sun forced them away. So there was less cloud cover to reflect away sunlight and a warmer world, according to the Danish scientists.
So, keep on truckin’, and throw another log on the fire.