FEC to Bite 1st Amendment Again?

Bloggers from both sides oppose FEC regulations

This header is a SEVERE understatement as far as the Chief is concerned.

Conservative and liberal bloggers both worry their freedom of speech is threatened by proposed campaign-finance rules that seek to regulate online political speech.

“…to regulate online political speech.” This should be anathema! What’s not to be understood here: “no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”. Helloooo? Does the government still speak English, or is it just “Newspeak” now a la “1984”>

The Federal Election Commission is expected tomorrow to outline rules that could limit political Web logs and e-mail solicitations and would be similar to campaign-finance laws that apply to more traditional advocacy groups, such as the AFL-CIO and the National Rifle Association.

Frankly, this is NOT something that would be at all acceptable, and I have NO plans at all to modify ANYTHING that is happening on this blogsite.

If the FEC or some libDonk lackeys don’t like it, well, f-’em if they can’t take a joke.