Kucinich: Congress To Take On FCC
Donk Cong Dennis Kucinich has proclaimed his intention to re-address the so-called “Fairness Doctrine”, with the end in mind to render illegal talk radio as we know it.
Apparently this Ohio Donk urgently needs remedial language instruction so he is able to comprehend plain English, like this: “CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW…ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS…” – Constitution of the United States, Amendment I
The Chief attended a meeting in D.C. a number of yuears ago. Donk Kucinich was a speaker at the meeting, and I have never heard anyone speak who was a better example of a histrionic demagogue. A scary dude for sure.
This shouldn’t get very far, at least at this time, but in the future? What to do? Keep your powder dry!