Ford’s State Funeral to Begin Friday
Gerald R. Ford will be mourned in the rare and solemn spectacle of a state funeral crafted to honor his reverence for Congress, the institution that launched him to the presidency. Ceremonies begin Friday in a California church, and end five days later with Ford’s entombment on a hillside near his Grand Rapids, Mich., presidential museum.
What’s to say…Pres. Ford had impeccable character, and was a true gentleman.
The Chief could quibble with some of his policies…but admittedly, given the times, he had a TOUGH row to hoe, for sure. I don’t think the libs ever can quite get over the Nixon pardon, which was a good move.
On a more disparaging note, his posthumously released letter about Iraq policy shows at least, what could charitably called “poor situational awareness”, and does a dis-service to the nation.
Maybe this is uncharitable of meto say so, but hey, there it is.