Sciense is Always Ryte!

Solar Opposites: Forecasts for Sun’s Activity Disagree Wildly

DISCLAIMER: The Chief has a science degree, and teaches HS science, and has participated in research that was worthy of peer-reviewed publication with citation, so don’t think I’m an anti-science luddite – au contrair

The U.S.-led panel charged with predicting the intensity of the next cycle of sunspot activity will have to resolve highly divergent predictions issued this year by two leading solar forecasting modelers, according to solar experts at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.

While some scientists are predicting a weak cycle, others are predicting a cycle that would be the most intense solar activity yet recorded.

As an active HAM radio operator (RadioActive…get it?), the Chief is very interested in this sort of thing, which directly impinges on short-wave radio propagation.

Aside from that, this sounds a cautionary note (or rather SHOULD sound such a note!) to those envirowackos who want to dismantle industrial civilization in order to “save the planet” based on data modeling that is a LOT more specious and tentative (severe understatement alert!) than the solar data that’s the subject of this piece.

By the way, if we still are trying to figure out how the sun works (which we are), how can those of the AlGore ilk RATIONALLY expect us to believe that THEY have the whole deal figured out on the past, present, and future of global climate – and that we’re on the road to hell, and it’s all our fault!

Hello? This concept is not really that difficult to grasp guys: The energy input from the sun affects our climate so hugely, that anything we can do to change it at this point is virtually non-existent – unless your brain is loosened up by liberal quantities of experimental recreational pharmaceutical products.