Towards Victory in Iraq – from a Democrat!

Democrats: Let’s Save Some Lives

Democrat and author Orson Scott Card has a point of view that is closely related to the one noted in the previous posting from Blackfive.

Now – if the Donks can get past their own anti-Bush jihad attitude – there may be some hope of something positive happening:

From this moment on, if we come to defeat in Iraq, it will not be President Bush’s fault. It will be, completely and exclusively, the fault of the Democratic Party. And it is the responsibility of the Democratic Party — or at least the saner members of that party — to speak up and do all they can to prevent that defeat.

Here is the message that must be sent to the Iraqi people — and to all the pro-democracy heroes in every nation in the Muslim world, who take their lives in their hands by standing against the Islamo-fascists: “America will not let you down.”

Send that message. Because failing to send it, now, loud and clear, sends the opposite message: America will let you down. America has let you down. America cannot be trusted. So if you want to be on the winning side, you must join Al Qaeda or the ayatollahs.

And if that message is allowed to become the firm belief of people throughout the world, then we will look back nostalgically on the “Iraq War” as a holiday.

Tell it like it is!