Britain Plans Defense for Future…Sort of

Blair: Britain must keep nuclear deterrent

PART of this is good for Britain…assuming it continues:

British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Monday the country needs to maintain a nuclear arsenal to deter threats that may emerge in coming decades.

Blair released plans to replace the fleet of Vanguard submarines, which carry Trident nuclear missiles, the Daily Mail reported. Designing and building the new submarines would cost an estimated 20 billion pounds (almost $40 billion).

Just when it looks like the EngSoc government is rediscovering some testosterone…there’s still an aspect of genuflection to the moonbats in this:

Blair’s white paper, which was approved by the Cabinet, said the number of nuclear missiles would be cut from 200 to 160. He also said that the submarine fleet might be cut from four to three.

Oh well. Half a loaf beats no loaf.