‘Only a fraction of Teheran’s brutality has come to light’
The Telegraph has this report on the sad conditions of the Islamofascist mullahcracy in Iran. Read it and weep!
She is the female figurehead of what she hopes will become a new Iranian revolution. Now, after almost 25 years in exile, the world is beginning to beat a path to her door. Maryam Rajavi wants those who visit her near Paris to know what sort of regime Iran’s mullahs are running.
As the leader of the largest exiled Iranian opposition group, she talks angrily of the 15-year-old boy flogged to death for eating during Ramadan, and the girl of 13 buried up to her neck and stoned for a similarly trivial “crime”.
When she describes the punishments meted out by Iran’s rulers, a picture of the limp bodies of two hanged men suspended from a crane is projected onto a screen. She waves a large bound book that, she says, contains the names of 21,676 people who have died resisting the clerical regime. Another 120,000 people have been executed since the mullahs took power in 1979, she claims. Now Iran’s rulers are trying to develop a nuclear weapon.
Of course there is more in this article. Encouragement, finance, and political support for folks like these could be a possible alternative to a military solution to Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad and the rest of his ilk in Teheran. Of course there IS a slight time factor what with the nuclear developments going on, so it may be a bit late for this already.
Still, this may provide a basis for a post-mullahcrat regime.