ChiCom Sub Incident Points towards Intel Shortcomings

Defenses on subs to be reviewed

Better late than never:

Navy officials confirmed yesterday that an aircraft carrier battle group failed to detect a Chinese submarine that surfaced within weapons range of the USS Kitty Hawk. Anti-submarine defenses for the carrier battle group will be reviewed as a result, they said.

“It was not detected,” said one Navy official of the encounter with a Chinese diesel-powered attack submarine. “And we’re concerned about that, obviously.”


What’s just as bad, if not worse, yet another intelligence failure seems to be involved:

The submarine encounter also took U.S. intelligence agencies by surprise because of years of analyses that continue to portray a benign China, said a defense official. “Our China analysts appeared to be stunned that China would shadow a U.S. carrier as far away as Okinawa,” the defense official said.

Mistaken analyses? That’s the fruit of pandering to political correctness instead of keeping a weather eye on geopolitical reality.