Waxman ponders pursuing opposition
The President’s schmoozing with SanFranNan Pelosi, and Dingy Harry Reid, and his anticipation of a new bi-partisan cooperation all looks like an exercise in vanity and wishful thinking in light of this heads up from Donk Cong Henry Waxman:
The Democratic congressman who will investigate the Bush administration’s running of the government says there are so many areas of possible wrongdoing that his biggest problem will be deciding which ones to pursue.
“I’m going to have an interesting time because the Government Reform Committee has jurisdiction over everything,” Mr. Waxman said yesterday, three days after his party’s retaking of Congress put him in line to be chairman of the panel. “The most difficult thing will be to pick and choose.”
Yep. More bi-partisanship in the Daschle/Clinton tradition: BOHICA!