How Weird is This?

Here are a couple of recent news items that have struck the Chief as having a somewhat weird?…strange?…whatever…quality from their juxtaposition.

Hezbollah’s Nazi Roots
Across the Middle East, radical Islamists yearn for a new Holocaust

This is NOT really very much news to a history buff like the Chief, who noted the historical collection when he posted this image in May 2005 as indicative of the direct historical linkage from das Reich to today’s Islamofascists:

Bosnian Islamic SS.JPG
Moslem Bosnian SS Troopers of the Handschar Div. on Parade in Sarajevo.

Sounding like a modern-day Hitler, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad this week repeated his call for the “elimination” of Israel, home to six million Jews. Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy army in Lebanon, shares that objective. Its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has urged the world’s Jews to collect in Israel in order to facilitate the task of exterminating them.

Sadly enough there is more to this…including photographs in this article (and elsewhere on the web) showing Hezball and Ham-ass goose-stepping around with Nazi salutes.

How does Sieg Heil go in Arabic? Which leads to the second story:

Olmert Favors German Forces

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he would welcome German troops participating in an international force in southern Lebanon, according to a newspaper interview published Friday.

German officials have not ruled out contributing soldiers to a security force, but Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that “we as Germans should approach this region with the greatest caution.”

I guess so!