MidEast War Continues

A Chief’s Eye View:

Obviously, at least to anyone with awareness greater than a knothole on the side of a tree, the war continues – and more people have gotten killed – including civilians.

Predictably enough, Israel is excoriated daily (nay, hourly!) for being so rude as to act on the two assumptions that the primary purpose of war is to kill people (the enemy) and break their things (their weapons AND infrastructure) that allow them to fight amd kill YOU. The other necessary assumption in war is that “shit happens” sometimes, and that when it does there is collateral damage and yes, unfortunately, civilians can be killed.

There has NEVER been a war where this has not occurred. In spite of the sguawking of the UN’s Kofi Onan Annan, and the MSM, Israel shows every sign pf planning to continue to get the job done.

Good for them – they’re doing the Lord’s work here, and if they can successfully de-fang His-ball and Ham-ass, they will deserve the gratitude of the rest of the non-Islamofascist world.

If doing so offends Syria and Iran with Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad, then so be it and bring ’em on!