Iranian President Ahmadinejad on IRINN TV
The Chief was surprised to discover that he actually agreed with Iranian President Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad on anything, even with a few qualifiers:
“In my opinion, Lebanon is the scene of an historic test, which will determine the future of humanity. Everyone must be put to the test. Everyone.”
Sounds sort of apocalyptic. He may well be right on this!
It is inconceivable for anyone who calls himself a Muslim and who heads an Islamic state to maintain relations under the table with the regime that occupied Jerusalem.
OK – clear enough – you are either with Israel or you are with the Islamofascists. The Chief concurs.
“This is a mirror that will reveal everyone’s true essence. This is not one of those ordinary tests. Not at all. It will expose everything.
A bunch of people with no honor rule some countries in the region. People are being killed before their eyes, while they play games, giving compliments to one another.
Yep – Iran and Syria are the countries. Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad has been looking in his mirror apparently.
They think they can let time go by until this issue is forgotten, and then return to the scene. No, they are mistaken.
A good case of psychological projection here!
“They even lie to those wretched people whom they have collected from around the world and brought to the occupied lands. In fact, their leaders are having a good time around the world. After all, they are not in the battlefield. They are outside the scene. They have collected a bunch of people and put them there to serve as their shields, so they can realize their colonialist, domineering goals.”
Dang! He’s spot on for describing the Islamofascist strategies and tactics again – especially his own!