Judicial Follies: 9th Dist. Court Rides Again

Gag Order

The 9th Jerkit Court of Schlemiels is at it again out in La-la Land. These judges must be on some bad acid to come up with the judicial hallucinations that pass for legal decisions out there.

Recently, in a 2-1 decision, a panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of appeals handed down a decision which may provide a foundation for applying preferential treatment to freedom of speech. If allowed to stand, the decision could authorize local governments to set varying limits to free expression, depending on the race, religion, or sexual orientation of the listener.

The one consolation is that of 18 decisions from this bunch of activist loser judges, 15 have been reversed on appeal to SCOTUS. (12 reversed unanimously!) One has to hope that this is another to add to that list.