On the Other Hand Prez…

Two border incidents with different Presidential responses:

Why The Sheriff Won’t Patrol The Border

Captain’s Quarters has a posting regarding the Mexican border which includes this report from Austin:

Trevino said the shooting appeared to have started in Tamaulipas, at a riverside ranch owned by a family from Donna. He said two brothers said they were with their father at the ranch when vehicles full of armed men drove into the ranch and opened fire on the house, killing a ranch hand and taking their father hostage. The brothers said they hid for several hours in their cornfield before swimming across the river, which, at that point, is only 30 to 40 yards wide. They called their mother from a cell phone, and she called 911.

On the other hand Mr. Prez – when Islamoterrs crossed the border from Lebanon attacked an Israeli patrol and kidnapped two soldiers, Israel essentially has gone to war with Hezbollah to attempt to recover them.

The Prezidential response was to state that Israel had acted properly to defend itself, with a caveat that excessive collateral damage should be avoided.

HEY PREZ! If it’s OK for Israel, why isn’t it OK for the US? Where’s General Blackjack Pershing when we REALLY need him? Even Woodrow Wilson (not exactly a sabre-rattler) recognized the need for a forceful response to border raids in 1916, hence the Pershing expeditionary force.