Beheading Desecration Video of Dead U.S. Soldiers Released on Internet by al Qaeda
If you have ANY doubts about whether or not we should be fighting to eliminate Islamofascist Jihadistanis, this should be as strong a reminder as anything else – like the censored videos of 9-11 victims diving out the windows to avoid incineration, etc.
It reminds the Chief once again that when Islamists refer to their “religion of peace”, it is only the peace that results from willing and complete submission to their spiritual abomination that sanctions stuff like this.
WARNING: If you do take a look at this stuff, remember, it’s about as graphic and tough as anything you can imagine. FOr comparison purposes, it brings to mind the stuff NOT shown in the scene where William Wallace is executed in Braveheart. One can only hope that the US troopers were killed FIRST, before they were so grossly abused, but one can also only fear that this may not have been the case.
We CANNOT live with these people. They can only be exterminated. They need to be shot not once or twice, but three times, to make sure that the time and paperwork to put them someplace like GITMO is not wasted.