The Chief has seen a number of things in the media recently, that remind one that nature, being well, natural, often does not live up to the images that many, particularly of the enviro-moonbat left, seem so fond of.
One of these are the observations of Orcas torturing Dolphins by repeatedly tossing them through the air, before eating them.
Then there was the enviro bear-lover, who spent much of his time in the wilderness “living with” grizzly bears. The bears, or at least one of them decided that he liked the moonbat so much that he ate him for dinner one day.
Another example was an Aussie enviro recently featured on the cable show “I Shouldn’t be Alive”, who sought to avoid urinating into a wilderness stream by his campsite by climbing up a rocky slope (in the dark) and ended up with his legs pinned under a granite boulder. Before he could be rescued, his feet were nibbled on by crawfish, and his legs went dead and had to be removed. So much for protecting the stream flow.
Now there comes another report of nature caught in the act of being itself, in defiance of the image that many hhave of it:
Forget cuddly and caring – Meerkats are baby-killing cannibals
Meerkats are the loveable stars of natural history films and a mere mention conjures up images of them sitting on their haunches and looking furtively around the African savannah.
But the image of caring creatures on endless sentry duty to protect their young and family is overturned today by Cambridge University scientists who have revealed how meerkat society is riven by jealousy, murder and cannibalism.
But then again…maybe more people would like it that way: “jealousy, murder, and cannibalism” sounds like some of the crap that comes down the chute from Hollywierd these days.