Global Warming: A Return to the Past!

Ancient Seal Remains Reveal Warmer Antarctica, Study Says

The Chief is agnostic at this point on so-called Global Warming. It may well be occurring. That being said, it is NOT due to human activity. The sun is the driver for global climate – MUCH more than anything we could even TRY to do in this area. Here’s some more evidence of this:

In an Antarctic “ghost town,” freeze-dried whiskers, skin, and bones provide evidence that the South Pole was a much warmer place not too long ago, a new study reveals.

The 1,000- to 6,000-year-old elephant seal remains were found in abandoned breeding colonies in a now barren region of Victoria Land on the Antarctic coast near the Ross Sea (map of Antarctica). The discovery, scientists say, is the first hard evidence for a warming period in the region between 2,300 and 1,100 years ago.

Without industrialized civilization back in 200 BC, there’s not much WE could have done to stimulate this period of warming, which DOES correspond at least generally to a previously known northern hemisphere medieval warming period.

Once again – can you say S-U-N?