Senators Start to Feel the Heat

Senate warms to ‘border first’

Key backers of the Senate immigration bill said yesterday they are willing to consider a compromise that would delay the guest-worker program and “amnesty” portions until the borders have been secured.

Pennsylvania chief RINO Spector must have been clubbed (at least partially) by a cluebat:

The proposal was floated by Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter in an interview Monday with editors and reporters at The Washington Times.

The McCainiac chimed in on this also:

“I think it’s worth discussing,” said Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican. “Many of us have said we could work on border enforcement and, at the same time, work on other aspects that would take more time.”

Even Donk Senator Ted (hic) Kennedy trying to get on this train?!

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, said a delay will occur anyway because it will take a few years to set up the guest-worker program and the structure to process millions of illegal aliens onto a pathway to citizenship.

It looks to the Chief like these Senators have gotten mugged by the reality that there was no way that their plans would have cleared the conference committee with the House without major changes.