Mexico Worries About It’s Own Southern Border
Here at Mexico’s own southern edge, Guatemalans cross legally and illegally to do jobs that Mexicans departing for the north no longer want. And hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from nearly two dozen other countries, including China, Ecuador, Cuba and Somalia, pass through on their way to the United States.
Even as Mexico agitates for an open border with the US, it has fierce laws against illegals trying to get into Mexico from the south.
Few politicians have made public speeches about such matters. But Deputy Foreign Minister Gerónimo Gutiérrez recently acknowledged that Mexico’s immigration laws were “tougher than those being contemplated by the United States,” where the authorities caught 1.5 million people illegally crossing the Mexican border last year.
Untroubled by any semblence of legal consistancy, the Mexican election campaigns continue to push for more open conditions on the US border. The Chief would say, hey! If it’s sauce for the Mexican goose, it should work for the American gander! Throw their own laws back in their faces!