Highway From Hell

US divided by superhighway plan

Interesting that one has to go to UK sources to get details on this.

A massive road four football fields wide and running from Mexico to Canada through the heartland of the United States is being proposed amid controversy over security and the damage to the environment.

The Chief tends to agree with the gigantic security problem – not so much on environmental damage, but then hey, any stick will do when you have to kill a snake!

The “nation’s most modern roadway”, proposed between Laredo in Texas and Duluth, Minnesota, along Interstate 35, would allow the US to bypass the west coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to import goods from China and the Far East into the heart of middle America via Mexico, saving both cost and time.

Oh boy – that’s what we need, a way to make it easier for the ChiComs to peddle the output of their slave-labor industrial gulags to us!

Tiffany Melvin, the executive director of Nasco, a non-profit organisation which has received £1.4 million from the US Department of Transport to study whitewash the proposal, said: “We’re working on developing the existing system; these highways were developed in the 1950s and we have number of different programmes we’re working on to provide alternative fuels and improve safety…

…by letting in unlimited unregulated Mexican truckers?

…and security issues. “We get comments that we are working to bring in terrorists and drug dealers, but this is simply not true.

Let’s see – turn the border into a speed bump will help security. Of course we aren’t working to “bring in terrorists and drug dealers”. But if you build it, they WILL come – count on it!

“This is a bi-partisan effort that will ultimately improve our transportation infrastructure.

Nope! It’s a one party effort: by the Republocrats.

“Trade with China is increasing greatly, and the costs of our transportation system are ultimately born by the consumer.

Nope, TRADE with ChiComs is not increasing greatly. ChiCom dumping in the US IS increasing greatly. It’s not a two-way street, except of course for the flow of US high tech to build up the ChiCom military ability to knock us into the dirt.

“We do offer links to Canada and Mexico, but we are working on the trade competitiveness of America. We are planning for the future.”

The Chief fears this is all too true: but the future in sight from Ms. Tiffany is not the United States – it’s the so-called North American Union.

One thought on “Highway From Hell”

  1. By what standard are Chinese goods “slave labor”? That some small percentage is made my prisoners? Are American goods thus equally slave labor, because prisoners are occasionally employed?

    By what standard is China “dumping”? Is Walmart thus “dumping” because they are often cheaper than their competitors?

    If we are serious on border security, union with Mexico is the easiest way.

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