Condemned can claim injection too painful
The Supreme Court opened the door today to new constitutional challenges to lethal injection, the method used by most states and the federal government to execute death row inmates. In a unanimous decision, the court allowed those condemned to die to make last-minute claims that the chemicals used are too painful — and therefore amount to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Constitution’s Eighth Amendment.
OK. Let’s see now. One can go out, take the innocent life of another through the crime of murder, and THEN seek legal protection against suffering pain during execution. Somehow this makes no sense at all to the Chief.
The other problem here is the obvious question, of what is in the water at the SCOTUS, where one and all, including the much-ballyhooed recently appointed alleged conservative Bush justices, have moved into the realm of moonbattry with a vengeance…but what do I know…I might even agree with them if I also had my common sense sucked out of my brain by attending law school!