Approaching the REAL Fiscal Cliff:

Many (most?) peoples’ heads spin and their brains go TILT! at trying to understand the fiscal mess in Washington.

So…try it a different way:

Understanding the REAL Fiscal Cliff:
PART 1 U.S. Government
U.S. Tax Revenue $2,171,000,000,000
Federal Budget $3,880,000,000,000
Deficit (New Debt) $1,650,000,000,000
National Debt $14,271,000,000,000
Recent Budget Cuts $38,500,000,000
PART 2 Family Budget 
Drop 8 zeros from the above and assume
it to be a family’s household budget
Annual Income $21,700.00
Annual spending $38,200.00
New credit card debt $16,500.00
Outstanding c.c. balance $142,710.00
Recent Budget Cuts $38.50
See?  Not so hard to understand after all!

Would/could you run YOUR family like this?
How long could you get away with it?
So what’s wrong with Washington?