A Modest On-line Gun Control Debate

Received via e-mail.  It seemed to cry out for an answer. Here’s mine:

I signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama which says:  “Our second amendment rights are long overdue a reevaluation.

Going back to the Declaration of Independence: “…CERTAIN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS…AMONG THESE ARE LIFE…” The right to life nust necessarily include a right to self-defense. Self-defense must necessarily include the means to act in self-defense. Guns do the job, with the added benefit that they keep our rulers nervous—a good thing according to Jefferson. It’s also worth noting that the “unalienable Rights” (capitalized in the original!) are “endowed by their Creator” and therefore logically take precedence over the laws of man.

This is NOT a theoretical situation. In our immediate “neighborhood” in extremely rural South Dakota there has been circumstances where people were required to defend themselves using firearms, covered fortunately by SD’s version of a “Castle Law” which specifically reaffirms the right to appropriate self-defense. As far as police protection goes, all it can do is come in afterwards and try to clean up the mess. With the local sheriff 20 miles away on a good day, an evildoer can do a LOT of damage before any help arises.

How many more senseless and entirely PREVENTABLE shootings have to occur before we do something about Gun Control?

Uh…how’s about mental health control? There are too many people who are dangerous who cannot be taken care of properly, since courts have ruled that to administer treatment (against the free-will of a schizophrenic, for instance) is a violation of their civil rights…the right to be dangerously crazy one must presume.

My idea of gun control means that you maintain control (including custodial control) of your weapons, and are able to hit what you aim at when you use them.

As a citizen and constituent of this great country, I am asking that you take a firm stand and make a positive change by restricting access to guns and saving lives.

Studies, even ones run by scholars who started with an anti-gun agenda, have shown that where jurisdictions allow gun possession and “right to carry” that violent gun crime is reduced. (No, I don’t have the citation at my finger-tips. Yes, the findings are available if you do want to see ’em.)

As for positive change? I taught Native American students for a quarter century…one of the first things enforced on the reservations was STRICT gun control. That worked out really well for them, didn’t it? How’s about the gun control law enacted by the 3rd Reich marching society. which effectively disarmed their opponents and potential opponents. Then, when the guys with the spiffy balck uniforms showed up at you door at oh-dark-thirty, they were sure there could be no way their evening’s visit would have an unpleasant (to them) outcome. (By the way, the Nazi gun law of 1938 was used as the template (sometimes word-for-word) for several laws and wanna-be laws that have found their way to Congress since the ‘60’s.

I don’t have a gun. I don’t want a gun.

Fair enough. Don’t get one. But don’t force me (via indirect use of the gun-backed power of the government) to have your preference imposed on me.

I don’t need a gun. But somehow the guns always wind up in the hands of people crazy enough to use them irresponsibly and dangerously.

Guns ARE dangerous. Just as are automobiles, 120 V electrical outlets, alcohol, texting cell phones, knives,  (some) TV programs,  baseball bats, claw hammers, and so on.  What was the one recently about the nut-ball who started that fire…he killed his 92 year old mother with a hammer…then they let him out after 18 years and he continued his insanity by committing arson, murder, and then shooting at the firemen?  See above comment on mental health control.

The Roman sage Seneca had it pegged:  QUAEMADMOEUM GLADIUS NEMINEM OCCIDIT, OCCIDENTIS TELUM EST.  (A sword is never a killer, it is a tool in the killer’s hands.)


Living in this world…there is no way to guarantee ANY type of security given humanity and life as it is. Not in the past. Not in the present. And not in the future.

Thank you for your action!!”

I recently renewed my NRA membership—does that count?

Will you sign this petition?

Uh…not in this universe, but thanks for asking anyway. Hope you’re having a good Christmas season.