Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander…

Britain and US ‘have no moral right to prevent Israel acting against Iran’

Content in reports from the London Telegraph that is typically missing from  US lamestream media.

US and UK essentially tell Netanyahu: go slow, or better yet, just go away without standing up to Adolf Ahmadinejad:

Benjamin Netanyahu denounced American and British efforts to restrain Israel from striking Iran, saying that no-one had a “moral right” to prevent his country from acting against a mortal threat.

Meanwhile, in addition to admonitions from both the Brit PM and Hilary C, there are dueling reports concerning the willingness/unwillingness of B.O.’s willingness to meet with Netanyahu.

Based on the reported details, it sure looks like The One is more than willing to throw Israel under the bus in the name not not being willing to rock the Islamist’s boat. What else is new?