Shackled Marine Update
This letter from an attorney was released on the Michael Savage website regarding the set-up for a Haditha “show-trial” of US Marine troopers who are currently “brigged” in solitary at Camp Pendleton, and are shackled hand-and-foot any time they are out of their cells.
As my client sits shackled in solitary confinement in the Marine Corps Brig with charges yet to be filed, the Marine Corps has stooped to leaking portions of the investigation in order to advance their case in the media.
W.T.F!!!!!? No charges filed, with allegations made by ENEMY spokespeople (Sunni terrorists), and members of the USMC are slammed and treated worse than the Islamoterrs at GITMO!
The worst is the fix in from the top down, starting from the President himself, who, IMHO has proven himself to be morally unfit to be Commander-in-Chief in charge of the Marines, and the other branches of the United States Armed Forces.
When the commander-in-chief and other high level military officials are passing on the guilt of these men and making statements regarding punishment based on pure conjecture, what message is that sending to their military subordinates who will be charged with rendering a fair judgment in this case? Any potential military juror has already seen and heard their superiors at the highest levels intimate their personal verdicts. That kind of influence is patently unjust and, I’m afraid, will operate to taint the judgment of what is supposed to be an impartial fact-finder. My client’s opportunity for justice has been irreparably compromised even before the first charge has been filed.
The public comments of CINC, and SECDEF constitute an egregious abuse of power and authority to “fix” a legal outcome for political purposes. Then right after spouting off Rummy-dummy flies off to cement relations with – the Commies in Viet-nam? Hello? What’s wrong with this picture? This whole thing has moved into the realm of a hallucinatory experience – the pattern is so bizarre that it only coincidentally interfaces with reality any longer.
It is a sad day in military justice when honor on the battlefield takes a back seat to political agendas.
The Chief has supported Republicans since he was in high school, campaigning for a GOP Senatorial candidate in solidly Democratic south St. Louis (which later became Gephardt country). Since then he has worked in additional elections in Missouri, South Carolina, and South Dakota, all in support of GOP candidates. He was a member of the SD Delegation to the 1980 GOP Detroit Convention that formalized the beginning of the Reagan Revolution.
In spite of this history, crap like this betrayal of US forces, and the fecklessness towards border security, the half-assed committment to WINNING the war on terror by whatever means are NECESSARY to do so, has brought the Chief to the point where he actually begins to think he might actually have something in common with the KOSsacks, at least in regarding these Administration policies with total contempt and rage.