What in the world is wrong with calling a spade a spade, or in this case, stating the simple fact that the 17 terrs busted in the land of the Great White North were all Islamofascists?
Losers, all. That’s what we Westerners are and the Islamic fundamentalists bent on our destruction know it. Even when the police nails a cell of 17 would-be terrorists, catching them red-handed with 3 tonnes of 34-0-0 fertilizer, which you can bet wasn’t acquired to fertilize their lawns, the media and government go to great lengths to assure everyone that the arrests have nothing to do with any “specific community or ethno-cultural group in Canada.” At least that’s how CSIS spokesperson Luc Portelance categorized the arrests.
The Toronto Sun’s resident Islamophile “foreign” correspondent, Eric Margolis, even went so far as to wonder if the whole investigation and arrest wasn’t some kind of CSIS set-up. Margolis moronically posited “It’s possible that among the 12 adults and five minors charged, Canadian security organizations have rounded up some loud-mouthed teenagers who have been encouraged to sedition by government “agents provocateurs”. Right, Eric, and the fertilizer was going to be used for a modest home garden in Scarborough and the electrical detonation devices seized were actually intended to be used as a TV remote and the whole conspiracy was fabricated by government agents eager to please George W. Bush and the neo-cons.
FAR, FAR too much political correctness methinks, apparently on BOTH sides of the border as noted in this OpEd from the DC Times:
Torture as defined by the media
In case you have been the least bit curious as to why al Qaeda and other Islamist terrorist organizations are convinced — beyond a mushroom-cloud shadow of a doubt — that they can defeat the United States, the evidence is no further away than your newspaper, radio, network or cable news outlet. If all else fails, the twisted leadership of these evil terrorist organizations know they can always count on the liberals in the mainstream media, as well as the liberals in Congress and Europe, to act as their unquestioning propaganda ministers. To prove that what we once believed to be up is now down, and what we thought to be right is now wrong, we have several examples that embolden al Qaeda with every news report or printed word.
Check out the piece for the examples. A Marine Court-martialed and given hard time for…allowing his dog to bark at a terr prisoner is unfortunately only a part of the crapola being dished out to our troops these days.
The liberals in the media understand that with each news report on the new My Lai, each case where a U.S. soldier is punished for letting a dog bark in the face of a war prisoner, with every story that equates dunking a terrorist in water with chopping off a human head, they tell these Islamist terrorists that political correctness is weakening our foreign policy and military and robbing us of our will to prosecute the war or defend our nation. They know but don’t care. For them, the real enemy is Mr. Bush and conservative beliefs.
Down is now up. Wrong is now right. And the terrorists are not only grateful, but on the way.