Will the Senate impose race-based government on Hawaii?
This pattern is getting old. Just when the Chief can’t imagine moonbats getting any farther out in left field, they come up with something so bizarre that it beggars the imagination.
In this case, the perp of the insanity du jour is Donk Senator Daniel Akaka of Hawaii. His scheme is to grant special rights to anyone who has any degree of native Hawaiian ancestry – would you believe down to a degree of 1/256!
As if this attempt at institutional racism isn’t bad enough, if enacted, it will open the door for similar treatment to any faction determined and influential enough to claim ITS priviliges on similar grounds.
Apparently the Senate may even pass this legal abortion, thereby demonstrating once and for all that the great tradition of the likes of Clay, Webster, et al is gone forever.
Maybe the Roman Emperor Caligula wasn’t totally insane after all when he appointed his favorite horse (Tacitus by name) to be a member of the also once great Roman Senate, as a means of demonstrating his contempt for the feckless Senate of his day.