United Front on Defense of Marriage Amendment

Believers push for marriage measure

The Religious Coalition for Marriage, a fledgling organization forged to fight same-sex “marriage,” includes eight U.S. Catholic cardinals, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Church of God in Christ and the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. Also signed up to support passage of the Marriage Protection Amendment are Mormons (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), Missouri Synod Lutherans, Greek and Russian Orthodox churches, among a host of groups representing more than 100 million Americans.

So much for divisive sectarianism on this issue!

The Chief knows that lots of libertarianish folk think that the state has no business being invoved in this sort of thing…yadda-yadda-yadda. Sorry folks, there is no realistic disputing that stable family structures are the building blocks of a stable and successful society. Historically, any time that this has NOT been the case, the entity (civilization, nation, empire, whatever…) has declined and either reformed itself in this direction, or ended up as history…with no continued existence.

Eurotrash nations that have ignored this are already deep in the realm of negative population growth, and are starting to wonder how they will sustain their continued existence. It is worth noting, that contrary to the libertarian arguments, that legalizing “gay” marriage has an effect of cheapening the whole concept of marriage itself – wherever this has been done the overall hetero marriage rate has declined significantly. Without the committment, say what you will, the resulting relationships have far less stability than a traditional family cemented by formal marriage.

In our own case, as we go farther and farther towards dismantling the traditional family basis of social structure, is it any wonder that as a nation we are becoming enervated at standing up to the threats confronting us in the world, whether it be irredentist Mexican nationalism, Islamofascist Jihad, or relentless economic (and lurking in the background military) pressure from the ChiComs.

Believe it or don’t, there IS a connection, which related to the very non-PC concept of moral fiber. This in itself has many more ramifications, of which the issues noted above are a by no means complete listing.

In short, the Chief is heartily in support of this amendment. If we can’t defend this most basic of all human institutions, then our nation and culture will inevitably find itself in the unfortunate state noted in Daniel 5: “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.”