This would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. At least no one can say that the moonbat libDonks up there are not pushing for consistancy here in their S.B. 1384:
Any individual who requires a machete for the purposes of cutting vegetation shall register the machete with the local police department on an annual basis and, upon payment of an appropriate annual registration fee as determined by the local granting authority, shall be issued a permit authorizing him to possess the machete solely for the purposes of cutting vegetation.
Their gov’t site doesn’t give information on the status of this example of legal genius (sarcasm alert!) – one would HOPE that even Massachusetts isn’t THAT far gone around the bend, but unfortunately these days, one never knows.
If it is making into their law books, then you just have to wonder what’s next? Licensed baseball bats, kitchen knives, carpet knives, multi-tools, screwdrivers, the list is endless. Why the Chief has even seen ball-point pens used as deadly weapons in movies, and you know, it would work too!
As an added incentive to the moonbat legislooters, the annual license fees for all these dangerous items could be the biggest addition to government looting tax revenue since the income tax. (Shhhhhh! Don’t give ’em any more ideas!)
H/T to Kim DuToit’s Other Side on this piece of legislative crapola.